All-New WineDirect Updates & Bug Fixes
All-New WineDirect
Bug Fixed

All-New WineDirect Release Notes

Kari avatar
Shared by Kari • August 08, 2024

Here are the latest fixes and enhancements within All-New WineDirect as of July 30th, 2024:


  1. History of status changes is now tracked in a Membership History panel on the Membership page. Changes to or from pending, active, hold, and cancelled are displayed with dates and the user that made the change.
  2. Cancellation reason can be selected from pre-configured list of reasons when user cancels a membership. During cancellation, draft orders can also be cancelled or retained. Upgrades and Downgrades are recorded, along with user comments.
  3. When club draft orders are generated, drafts that do not yet have shipping and taxes calculated, are displayed with a “*” next to the total price. A backend process will update the taxes and shipping, and upon refresh of the page, the user will see more and more orders with full pricing as they are being calculated.
  4. Users can update information on memberships, even if credit card associated with memberships is expired.
  5. Releases can now contain Bundle Products. CAVEAT: Cannot support orders with bundles and single products, where the single product is also contained within the bundle. This scenario is being actively worked, and ETA is not yet available.
  6. Retry payment can be executed in bulk from the Release Order List pages.


  1. When selecting a specific product from a filtered list of products, the filters will be retained when returning to the product list.


  1. BUG FIX: When a product was purchased at two different price points, multiple line items will be displayed, showing the quantity of that product purchased at each price point.
  2. Users can re-try payment from the order page, without re-validation of the order. This is used when credit card failed, but all pricing information should remain the same and not be recalculated. A new credit card can be associated with the order before re-trying payment.
  3. Further reduced the probability of fallback taxes by optimizing our tax calculation process.
  4. BUG FIX: Avalara orders are now returning correct taxes, and will no longer get stuck in quarantined state.


  1. Users can choose to import adjustments to stock, or to reset stock value.
  2. Import of inventory adjustments will save adjustment along with comments provided in the import file. Products in the file that have no adjustment values, will be ignored.
  3. Log files for inventory adjustment are available when import is 100% successful or has one or more failures.


  1. Bundle products now appear in the inventory reports.


  1. Dot used to navigate between images on mobile, removed when only one image.